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Putting the Dishes Away

When you enter my kitchen at my house, you’ll find two drawers to the left. In the first drawer, you’ll find tongs, hand mixer beaters, a can opener, and ladles. The second drawer is for forks, spoons, and butter knives. 

In the first cabinet to the left, you’ll find Tupperware, cups, and glasses. In the second cabinet to the left, you’ll find plates and bowls. I also keep sharp knives in the second cabinet to the left. 

If you’re at my house and decide to put away the dishes, don’t put the plates in the cabinet where the Tupperware goes. Don’t put the forks in the drawer where the tongs go. Don’t put the spoons in the cabinet where the plates go. 

Rather, make sure you put the dishes in the right place.

In a similar way, if you desire to see results in your life, make sure you place your hope in the right place.

God is the right place.