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A Better Deal Available

The Sunday before Mother’s Day, I go to Bath and Body Works to buy my mom her annual Mother’s Day supply of lotion. They have a sale: buy three, get one free.

I’m not impressed with the sale. But I buy some lotion anyway.

The next day, however, Bath and Body Works has a better sale: buy three, get three free.

You’ll never guess what I do on Monday!

Yep, when I leave the house that Monday, I grab the Bath and Body Works bag, ensure that the receipt is in the bag, and then journey to the store.

When I arrive at Bath and Body Works, I return all the stuff, and then buy it again. By the time I leave the store, I’ve purchased almost twice as much lotion as I had before—for less money.

I didn’t settle for the buy-three-get-one-free deal when there was a buy-three-get-three-free deal available. I didn’t settle for the first deal when there was a better deal available.

Just as there was a better deal for me at Bath and Body Works, so also God has something better for you.